MSFT *ONLINE 180062212839SG

Learn about the "Msft *Online 180062212839 Sg" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

Also Appears on Statements As "MSFT *ONLINE WA"

First seen on November 2, 2012, Last updated on September 16, 2014

What is it?

I can't say what this is either, other than I have it on my card too, and after several attempts I have still not been able to track it down. 3 years ago I had a MS Online (small office) account, which I suspect is now being billed at $6/month for some unknown reason

this seems to be Windows Intune subscription. contact Microsoft support to cancel.

I have had several charges to my credit card account, that I have not authorized. Someone has hacked into my phone and had several different charges for an adult website and hotels and other things. I need to get this credited back to my account. It was done on 9/15/14 with six different charges, totaling $354.10.

Microsoft appears to have forgotten why they charged me this amount. After a lengthy investigation, none of them are able to provide a purchase to support the transaction.

Can you help? What is this charge?

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