Learn about the "Ds Waters Standard Coffeemableton Us" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

Also Appears on Statements As "DS WATERS STANDARD COF 800-4928377 GA"

First seen on September 19, 2012, Last updated on October 28, 2014

What is it?

Office Water Cooler Service

Now that i see a small explanation this is how the charge appears on my statement for Sparkletts...i have a water cooler from them :3 hope this helps.

I am in Washington, it's Crystal Springs bottled water delivery service here =) Thanks for the tip, I also thought scam!

I manage a relatives account. I saw the DS Waters charge and thought "Scam"...No, they order Sparkletts water and that is how it is billed...All OK now.

I'm in Southern California. This is a charge from Sparkletts Water Delivery Service.

I wonder why they billed later like this, I thought it was a scam too because I didn't see crystal springs. Good thing they have this site for clarification.

I was wondering myself, that's why I am here. I have Crystal Springs in Sacramento, CA. Thanks for the clarification!!!

NOT SPAM. Automated dialer from various bottled water companies under the water.com banner, reminding customers that bottled water will be delivered on the following day.

I called to inquire about the possibility of purchasing a cooler from Sparkletts,.. NO INTENTION to buy at the time of call. The person on the other end said, "Yes,..it's possible." Then they billed me!!!!!! Unethical,... dirty business. I never said anything about closing the deal on a purchase. Unethical, and dirty business people. Very sad company. This did it for me,.... I will now be seeking another company to do business with and become an evangelist and out-spoken (unpaid) sales person for Anti-Sparkletts / Sierra Springs in Las Vegas. Great job scumbags.

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Also Appears on Statements As