Learn about the "Apl*Apple Itunes Store" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

Also Appears on Statements As "APL*APPLE ITUNES STORE 866-712-7753 CA"

First seen on April 8, 2012, Last updated on October 24, 2017

What is it?


fraudulent charges over $250 on multiple charges of $10.63 over a 2 day window. Charges traced to one card that had not been used . The charges show as APL*Apple ITUNES STORE 866 712 7753 CA. The phone # links to an automated message instructing the caller to contact www.apple.com /support / cc.

Apple was not helpful and mostly dismissive. Chase . com was decisive and acted quickly. I called apple directly . I send feedback. I chatted. I left emails. I never got the impression that they had a care in the world. The fraudulent scam is using Apple's brand and hiding behind it.

My card got hit with the same thing as everyone else. A charge was made today 10/31 for $10.59 and I do NOT purchase from iTunes but I contacted them to confirm I did not purchase anything. I did a search of what my the description was on my statement and sure enough everything came back as a scam. I called my bank and cancelled my cards!

They got me for over $60.00, 2 transactions on the same day. Thank goodness I check my account every day and was able to catch it before they took more of my money. It is fraudulent charges and is no way affiliated with Apple iTunes. These crooks get your CC information by buying your numbers from other crooks that have managed to get all of your CC digits, name, CC number on the back of the card. Once they sell the info to any other crook, they start off by trying it out by taking a little out at a time. (I know, I have had fraud on my acct on several occasions). I had my card that was compromised deactivated, replaced with a new card immediately, same day. I called Apple and they were very helpful. They issued a refund immediately to my bank to be processed since this is happening frequently according to the rep. She also blocked the ahole's iTunes and iCloud account. She was able to verify my deactivated card was used by the scammer when she verified the Apple ID of the scammer and my card that was on file under their account. I am thinking of pressing charges. Can't wait until the scammer tries to get into their iCloud or iTunes account and can't because they are locked out. When the DA's call to see what is the matter, Apple will tell them that they used someone elses card to make fraudulent purchases. Jerks!

I wrote about my experience with this on 01/16/2017 and said I'd come back here and report in a few months. After having my bank identify which card they were charging to get money from my account, and then having the card cancelled....I can now say that the charges have completely stopped. So finding out which card of mine had been compromised and then cancelling it, solved my issue with these thieves and their fraudulent charges.

Fraudulent charges made to debit card totaling between $40 and $126 made frequently. Doesn't look to be an actual itunes purchasing related number.

They got me too. Skimmed more than $220 from my account over the last 18 months, and maybe longer -- my bank only allows me to look back 18 months. (And speaking of banks, how can I expect any assistance from banksters who are operating their own by brand of smarmy scam? Answer? I can't. The US bank guy I sat down with offered next to nothing in the way of assistance. What the heck is the monthly $7 account maintenance fee for anyway?)

Folks, they get us comin' and goin'.

Anyway, Apple, do you care at all that these thieves are using your brand to steal millions from people's' bank accounts. Or that it's been going on and continues to go on without comment?

I've been a recent victim of this ongoing scam too, 04/2022. The transactions passes through the Banks, both local, domestic, and international financial institutions. These transactions are traceable and these culprits (persons, or organizations) can be found and stopped. VISA, Master Card, and others have their part to play in eliminating these type of scams, and banks with the help of cyber security, local law enforcement and technology providers, should do more to block and black list these types of transactions, numbers, organizations, and individuals that engage in fraudulent business. After all, powerful algorithms can be written to trace and track these fraudsters.

On 5/30/2017 I was charged 6 separate times by these "APL * ITUNES" people. The charges ended up totaling around $150. I called Chase and they were immediately helpful. I filed a dispute, my money was entirely refunded, and I was able to cancel my debit card. After doing some research, it seems as though this has been happening for several years and relatively often to other people. Is there anyway those of us who have had to deal with this could put an end to it? Especially considering it really has no affiliation with Apple or iTunes?

Okay I feel sorry for others like me who are techno-compromised. I have a cell plan shared with my daughter's family plan. So I kept getting notices that there was no more back-up for my account in the "cloud" which didn't bother me much but went to sign up for 99 cents per month but as I am not very techno-savvy didn't believe it was transacted and thought it would be most likely charged against my daughter's cell plan.

DUUUHH! The phone numbers on my charge card invoice yielded scary results of fraud, etc. So I didn't want to call the number on my charge card bill but after a few more searches figured it looked legitimate. Yep - it turned out my attempt to increase my "cloud storage were successful after all. For my simple needs, 99 cents per month are a bargain! Hey, you know what? Thinking about it I have not been bothered for the last 2 months with messages about my lack of cloud storage! (2 charges so far against my charge card @ 99c each)

This happened to my son while he is in basic training and does not have access to his phone to check his bank account. He discovered it while trying to buy plane tickets home. Over $300 in small amounts $0.99-16.35 since he left 10/9/18. The majority were from this phone number but also 800-275-2273 (another scam) and to Amazon and a theme park. He just sent screen shots so I have incomplete info. He had to ask permission from Drill Sergeant to call bank to clear this up since I wasn't on his account. He was able to cancel his debit card but I don't know if he'll be refunded the money yet.

Okay...this is what you do. Have had these folks taking money out of my bank account a few times. Contacted Apple and they said it's not them. Contacted my bank and asked which debit/credit card they were using to charge me with or were they somehow just charging my actual checking account. They were able to tell me which card it was. I explained the situation and asked them how this could be stopped. I was informed that the card needed to be cancelled and a fraud report filled out at the bank. So did all that and now I will wait a while and see. So sick of whoever these thieves are! I will report back here in a couple months to let folks know if cancelling the card remedied this situation. In the mean time, you might want to ask your bank the same thing....which card are they using and then cancel it (and get a new one).

I have had the same problem with my debit card for the last 2-3 years. I consistently use my Chase debit card for internet purchases. To my knowledge the usage was minimal but I will check all my card activity shortly. Here's the problem:
1. When I called Chase's "Fraud Squad" to report illegal activity and unauthorized transactions on my card they immediately killed my debit card and issued me a credit while they investigated the activity. So I get a

Fraud! Scammer got your info and is stealing your money. Charge really isn't for iTunes.

I was also a victim of this credit card fraud. It most likely was triggered by a recent trip where I used the card that was scammed. When I checked my card balance I noticed 5 charges all above 25 per charge. Since I rarely ever make charges that big to iTunes, I was 100% positive that it was fraud. I immediately checked my iTunes account recent purchases list, and none of the charges were on iTunes. This showed that iTunes was not directly involved. Then I called my bank and they opened a fraud claim and canceled an replaced my account with a new one, with new numbers and cards. I hope that this one fraud is being investigated. The charges are small, but from what I can gather from the web, the fraud is wide spread. Pays to check your accounts every day.

Can you help? What is this charge?

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