jrincsupport.com 866-992-7750 KR

Learn about the "Jrincsupport.Com 866 992 7750 Kr" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on June 23, 2014, Last updated on August 23, 2014

What is it?

I had the same thing occur. $49.95 charge dated 6/27. I check my online banking daily, and when I saw the charge (today, Monday) I googled jrincsupport.com and wound up here.

Suffice it to say, I didn't need to do any further checking and called my credit card's fraud department. End of story.

I'd been sent new cards earlier as I was caught in the 'Target' fun. In that situation, I caught an $8.67 charge (or something very close) and found, though the same method as here, that it was someone (seemingly in the UK) making those small charges and figuring, "who would notice?" I did :)

I had the same charge hit my bank account on June 27th. It said "jrincsupportcom XXXXX7750 KR" and it was for $49.95. I immediately called the bank and told them I never purchased anything from this company. I told them I wanted a new debit card. I checked my online account today and the bank charged me for a new card and an international pos transaction as well. I called and complained and told them I would send them a copy of this blog as reference that its fraud and there are more people besides myself who have been scammed. This is the SECOND time this has happened to me in the last 3 months. I would like to know what we all have in common. The last time it happened was March 17. There was a charge from BLSWEBLEARN8884 St.JuliansMT for $8.35 on recurring payment. This is a different card and bank account. I wonder if it goes back to Target or some other store where I use my debit cards. Thanks to everyone who posted they got scammed. It makes it easier to show that its fraud and get your money back. And maybe if we all stick together they can sue these thieves and put them in jail so they can't do it again!

It happened to me too. I do not know either have any business with them but it showned $49.95 charged to my credit card account when I was online banking. I called my bank card to take care the problem. It's fraud.

Got this charge yesterday for $49.95 on my card. Called Chase and they immediately reverted the charge because it came from outside the country. Really strange as I almost never use the effected card, but luckily I had no problem with getting it cancelled.

Really, really fishy site (jrincsupport) because:

a) they provide no real information about what they do, how to use their service, etc.

b) they have a giant, "cancel your subscription" button in the top left.

I just noticed on my credit card account a charge for $49.49 to jrinsupport a not recognized charge. I will call customer service to clear this charge. OJO

Charge on my card for junk vitamin products. JRincsupport.com. Very stupid aggravating live chat. Clearly a scam

We had this too, we called the number on their website and they cancelled the charge. It took several days to clear, but eventually it did. I have no idea how they got my debit card number.

I just got a call from the fraud dept of my credit card for a charge of 49.95 from jrincsupport.com. Luckily they declined the transaction, but they are closing my acct and sending a new card. I read other posts on here and noticed a few people had used their card on Amazon. I rarely use this card, but noticed last month I used it on Amazon...wonder if there is a common link there.

$49.95 was charged to my child's debit card that I use to give him his allowance. The vendor was listed as jrincsupport.com. Luckily I found this thread. First I cancelled the card (at a charge of $2.99 for the service call and $9.99 for the new card). Then I opted for a live chat with jrincsupport.com, so that I would have a written record. The General Support chat person stated: "According to our system we have an Online purchase under your child's name for a product called Raspberry Ketone Strength Burn fat and increase energy Anti aging properties *Lowers cholesterol." I replied: "No, my child did not order that product. He is a child." Then the chat person tried to offer me "an additional extra bottle," and I said: "No. Remove the charge." Then she stated: "Our records show that we have already cancelled your subscription and your refund has been successfully approved. Please allow 7-10 business days for your credit card company to complete the refund process." OK, we'll see about that. Thanks to all posters for your help.

FRAUD- Call 888-838-8540 for details and contact your bank immediately. I forgot to post this number within previous post.

I received a $49.95 charge from this company. When I called the number, it was a 3rd party billing service. After asking for the first 4 and last 4 of my card number and my zip code. They had my husbands name listed and insisted he had to call before speaking with me. The card they charged is my card and is a different card# than his card. I did record the call, but not sure if there's anything that can be done other than refusing charge with my CC company.,

jrincsupport.com on my Card 7/1/2014 Bank of America caught it, due to my settings and they have been diligent. I have very few things i charge on this card, Skype, Amazon, gas and little store i go to all the time. The only new thing was audio files from another source other then Amazon's service, So NOT Amazon. But no idea how this happened.

I just spotted this scam charge on my bank account for a $49.95 "fee" from jrincsupport.com. I have not ordered anything from them. I will have to get to the bank tomorrow and get another new debit card. This is the 2nd time in 2 months that I will have to go and get a new debit card because of an online scam that I had nothing to do with. I did check further on scams and the IP is Amazon and the owner of the ASN for this site is Amazon.com! I will either stop ordering from them or use PayPal.

Received a fraud alert from Bank of America this morning and called my bank immediately. $49.95 to jrincsupport.com just like the rest of you. I checked the website and it tells me nothing, just asks for more personal information and the option to "cancel subscription" which I never subscribed to in the first place. FRAUD!!! My bank is issuing another card but I have to wait till the charge is "posted" and not "processing" to file a claim. I rarely use this card except for gas, Amazon and online purchases. Thanks to BofA for looking out for their customers.

Same crap as all the others. A charge for $49.95 put on my credit card. I audit my cards at least every other day so I caught it and called State Farm Bank and they reversed the charges.
After reading this and seeing everyone that has been attempted to be scammed I wonder how they got my credit card information. State Farm says the card was keyed in (not swiped) and I have not been to target in years. What I really wonder is how many people pay it not even noticing they were charged! Usually these places start with a small charge to "test it" before moving onto bigger things like a $49.95 recurring charge.

Just noticed the same charge as well. Found the website and was positive it was another bait to try and squeeze more information out, now to go back and check where I have used my card, I have only used this specific account in a few places so should not be too hard.

I can see I'm not the only one. I got the same charge as of today, and called my bank immediately. I love to know how they got my info.

Just got the same 49.95 charge for the rasberry ketone pills as other posters. Never heard of this stuff. Same response from the company, I must have purchased the pills. FRAUD FRAUD FRAUD. They put me on hold and they never came back. Canceled my bank card. Hopefully that will put an end to this!!!

Received a fraud alert from Bank of America this morning and called my bank immediately. $49.95 to jrincsupport.com just like the rest of you. I checked the website and it tells me nothing, FRAUD!!!

I just received this charge for $49.95 on my debit/credit card too. I have no idea who this company is! Scam! So upset. Trying to get the bank to take care of it, but they won't talk to me - want to speak with my husband only.

FRAUD!! I have been dealing with SupportACR.com for over a month now. Reoccurring charges on my account. I spoke with 2 different people and supposedly I bought a Raspberry Cholesterol Keytones and also a Green Tea Health Supplement. Charges show up as $49.95from JRINCSUPPORT.COM. One man claimed his name was "Freedman" was very defensive and said they are a company that have over 2000 merchants. I did receive one refund, but after being told the 2nd would take 7-10 days it never showed up. I called this morning to be told "We are having a problem with the merchant and charge. You will need to contact your bank." My bank has been aware already issued a new card and is now fighting this company. Watch out!! This is a scam and many people are involved! Watch your accounts!

49.95 charge for the rasberry ketone pills. I never ordered this. I filed a fraud report and canceled my credit card.

I was hit with this JRincsupport charge for 49.95 today. Luckily, my bank caught it and contacted me. They said the charge was denied, so they are on their toes at least. However because of the fraud attempt, I still have to have the card cancelled and a new one issued.

I also was hit with a $49.95 charge on July 3. I googled jrincsupport.com and found this page. I contacted the fraud department of my credit card account and reported this and they have opened a fraud claim and credited my account as well as issued a new card. They stated this charge originated from South Korea and they claim to sell "vitamin and skin care" products. I have no idea how they got my card number. You need to act quickly since there is rumor that this could be a "recurring" charge monthly!!

Saw a charge on my WF Visa this a.m., dated 8/15/14. It was from 800-404-9930.com. Called and got an answering machine that sounded Asian, and didn't speak English very well. Machine said that due to high call volumes, to call them back "another time". Did not identify any business name, so still no idea who this is. Second time this has happened to me this summer. This is the replacement Visa, new card #, but used at Amazon for products from companies I know. Is Amazon being hacked and they don't know it?? Reported the $49.95 charge as fraudulent to Wells Fargo AGAIN.

Found this charge yesterday (7-25) on my credit card statement as being charged on 7-21. Promptly called my credit card company and had the card cancelled and a new one issued and the charge (49.95) reversed. I was dumb enough to contact the live help on the site first and like others they offered to send me another bottle. Gave up and contacted my CC company (Chase) after that. I took great pleasure in logging on to their "support" live chat again just now and seriously harassing them for their terrorist criminal activities.

I had the same $49.95 charge on 7/23 and a $.99 Foreign Trans-Fee. I had also just made two separate purchases at Amazon. I called Jrincsupport (got the same spill about ordering Rasberry Ketone.) They said they would refund but I called my Visa card company afterwards and had them cancel and reissue me another card. What a hassle. I will call Amazon to report this to them too.

I had a $49.95 charge this morning to jrincsupport.com after I uses my debit card at a merchant that processes with Paypal, have never used this card at Amazon or Target. Contacted the bank and they cencalled the card and will process a dispute as soon as it is posted (it was still pending). I notified the company where I did make a payment mentioning they may have been hacked. They replied that my computer (a mac) might be infected.

Received an email today about having an international charge on my credit card. I went to my CC website and found a charge of 49.95 from jrincsupport.com / I tried to go to the website but found this one first. Thanks for all the information. I went to the site and did a chat where they said they were only a shipping company not the billing dept. I told them I hoped they enjoyed their time in jail. I am getting a new card with the hassle of changing some automatic payments but HOW did they do this? I mean how do they steal the information....

Chase sent me a txt alerting me about the charge today from jrinsupport.com, they declined the charge. It originated from Korea. I also made a purchase on Amazon just last month and from what I see many of us have used amazon shortly before the charge took place. I'm contacting amazon and about to call this shady place.

I had this very same thing happen to me with a 49.95 Pin to Purchase charge withan .50 ATM Intl. Service Fee. Country code South Korea. My tablet had a trojan on it and it may have gained access through that because I don't know how they could of. My bank is investigating and refunded my charges.

My debit card was charged today (JRINCSUPPORT $49.95) I'm going to call my bank tomorrow to get another card. In the last week I have used my card at McDonalds, Family Dollar, Chick-Fil-A, Dollar Tree, Comcast, Frontier(airplane), Best Buy, a locate beauty supply store & Paypal (brought ideas off Ebay with my Paypal account). Hopefully we can find out how they are getting our card number.

I also received the same charge from the same company. Bank of America flagged it immediately and sent me a notification that my card was used fraudulently. My banking rep told me that the charge was coming out of Korea. I too just used this card for some purchases on Amazon, I am seeing that this may be a trend. I plan on contacting Amazon's customer support to see if they have any insight on the situation. If They offer any info, I will update on here.

Checked my banking account today and noticed the same $49.95 charge from jrincsupport.com. Called the number via a conference call through my credit union and got the same random information as all of you--they told me the name of the company was Raspberry Ketones which makes no sense and that they were just a third party billing company.

Home Depot

Same thing with me. I have used this card for years, but recently used it for amazon.com purchases. I had this happen to another card I used on amazon.com. That's twice now, and not a coincidence in my opinion.

Did any of you buy the Chaz When hair care stuff? We did but cancelled it, there has to be a common theme from all of us.

I got hit this morning while my husband and I were sleeping with a $49.95 charge from jrincsupport.com. Luckily my bank caught it and contacted me about it (although I would have caught it when I checked my account later today) and they have canceled my card and are issuing a new one. It is so frustrating that people feel they need to steal from others. It really makes me want to go back to using cash only.

I had the same thing happen to me. If you call the number, they ask you to call back later, boy what a deal. I phoned Citibank and reported the fraud and had the company issue a permanent refund on the $49.95 they charged from jrincsupport.com What a scam & fraud!!!!

I received an alert tonight from Bank of America indicating that there was strange activity on my bank account. I called thme knowing that all of my payments are set for recurring payments. When I spoke with the representative she indicated that Bank of America has already flagged this so called company and all charges will be reversed. I am without a card for the weekend but, that is okay. I would rather be without the card then my money. I hope that you all are able to resolve this without major headaches (because I almost had a heart attack, this has NEVER happened to me). I guess that is what happens when people don't want to work for a living!

I received a fraud alert for Bank of America. jrincsupport.com had made two transactions on my debit card. The first transaction was a debit and the second was a credit. I have no idea who or what they are about. I didn't call. I read through all of the post to see if there was any commonality of usage and the only thing I saw was Target but I have been there recently but that doesn't really mean much. The raspberry ketones are interesting. I have never ordered any but I did get some with a order a placed with Wonder Labs however that was several months ago 6+. Has anyone ordered from Wonder Labs?

I signed into my online account and noticed the $49.95 charged then called my bank and asked them what was this charge for. They went online the website and the guy said let me transfer you to our Fraud dept this seems to be a case of Fraud. Long story short My money will be back in my account by Tuesday morning and I have a new card w/pin being issued and they have no more access to my account. I guess this new cyber world we live in has it pros and cons and I am now seeing it first hand and it sux! Good luck to all of us plastic swipers ....we sure are going to need it.

I check my card almost every day so twice in the last five years I have caught fraudulent charges and had to cancel my card. I wonder about the people that don't keep track of their charges. How many times do they get charged before figuring this out.

I called the local radio (KFI) station to see if they wanted this as a news story to make more people aware but they never responded.

That charge of $49.95 is totally a scam. They will not provide any information about the their company. They say "we are a third party customer support" but all they were supporting are those fucking scammers!! Do not call this 800# call your credit card company right away and dispute the charge.

8/10/14 Charge of $ 49.95 on our bank account from Jrincsupport.com... found these fraud notices...contacted bank...the charge was made from South Korea... and there was a 1.50 charge for international processing... came in off one of our debit cards...bank of america... they are refunding the $$$ and I've cancelled my card... be careful out there... We were traveling this past summer...a trip to Canada... don't remember if I used my debit card...very seldom do though... one time too many I guess....

Same thing happened to me on 8/13. Wells Fargo says they have to let it clear and then I can file a claim. I don't understand when it is still pending that I am giving them a heads up that I am probably not the only one, why should they allow this charge to go through....anyway I am getting a new card and hope they credit me back after mess is cleared up.

8/16/2014 (apparently it was charged?), then 8/21 posted to my account ($49.95 by a jrincsupport.com ). called bank and filled out fraud paperwork and re-issued card.

stay on top of your statements and check your accounts regularly. avoid online transactions if possible.

i used: ebay, amazon, newegg, steampowered, and payed general electric/verizon/comcast/geico online. so it had to be one of those, im not sure.

Same thing happened to me. $49.95 charge from jrincsupport.com RK and a $0.50 international service fee. Am going to call my bank today and ask them to reverse it, rather than trying to contact this scummy "company" or whatever it is.

Debit card charged $49.95, listed as 888-404-9930.COM 08/29 CHECKCARD MIAMI FL. Appears they are now using a U.S. based address...BOA sent a text alerting me - also saying it was approved. Called to report as fraud, and they will remove charge. Can this scam outfit be stopped?!

I was hit again from the same frauds, with a new Credit card that was given to me by Chase. Haven't made any purchases online. But was notified by Chase via email. Stop these leeches!!

Received four of these charges total. 3 on my Chase Card, one on my CapOne.

Each has been from a different domain name but they all have two main things in common- the merchant is a website and the websites all look alike. Caught the one on my CapOne card on Monday and made the mistake of trying to deal with the vendor myself which was just a giant waste of time*. Today, checked my Chase Account and I had two other charges for the 49.95 in the last month, plus one in June that was reversed (though i don't remember calling in about it). Already got my money back with CapOne, hopefully it will be just as easy with Chase.

*I will admit, I got so frustrated with the company that I called them and just kept giving my information as a card that started and ended with 1234 and insisted my name was Joe Smith. I spent 5 minutes refusing to get off the line with a rep until she got me a supervisor, which she couldn't do until I give them the actual info on a card they had already compromised- screw that! It may not have helped the situation, but I'm happy that I could at least started wasting their money after they tried to steal mine.

I too was charged $49.95 by this JRINCSUPPORT company. My bank (Bank of America) reversed the charge and replaced my CC. I was reading some of the comments on this page and I noticed that we have some similarities. I recently had a very weird experience with Amazon. I ordered something which was supposed to be supplied by an outside vendor. He said he shipped (via the post office) it but it never arrived. It's been more than a month. I got a refund but I noticed some other people were dealing with Amazon too about the time this fraud charge appeared. I too was hit with the little charge from overseas and had that reversed about 3 months ago and got another new card back then. With the Target issue (I didn't have a problem but BOFA insisted on changing my card then), then with the $10+ charge from Malta (the fake online software sales company) and now this one, I have had 4 cards from BOFA in a year.


I got a $49.95 charge on my Credit card and when I called, I was told I bought Rasberry Ketone Strength capsules 30 to a bottle. Wrong. I was sill and gave them my last and first 4 digits on the Cr Card. Never again. Im calling my credit card in the a.m. and cancelling this card. Look for this fraud name : jrincsupport.com 1-866 992 7750.

Got hit with 49.95 at jrincsupport after an Amazon purchase. Beware, be vigilant, be relentless, and fight these idiot cockroaches!!!!!!

Did any of you buy the Chaz When hair care stuff? We did but cancelled it, there has to be a common theme from all of us.

I also got the jrincsupport.com fraud charge of $49.95. I just happened to log in yesterday and see it; because it was a smaller charge, I'm sure I would never have noticed if it was buried down the list a couple days on my bank log! This charge was on my bank check card I use everywhere. I Googled the website name, found all of these posts (thank you), and immediately called Wells Fargo. They were great and immediately refunded me and cancelled my card. It's a good lesson to check your accounts frequently! Don't call the scammer or use their live chat; go right to your bank or credit card company and report fraud. Close your account too!

Today I received the seemingly familiar 49.95 charge from jrincsupport.com. caught it on the same day as the pending charge. As some above, I also shared the Target fraud. Everytime I travel to Orlando I end up in some fraud upon return. I'm sure there's no connection-just sayin'!

Same as above... $49.95 from the same company Jrincosupport.com I have reported to my Credit Union. Want to know how they got the card info. I check bank records weekly and thankfully this just occurred and was caught.

This is obviously a fraud. I contacted my credit union and filed an unauthorized use affidavit. Now I have to wait for a new card. I've never ordered anything from them, but I had made a purchase at Target the night before. Obviously Target still doesn't have their shit together! Also, beware of card readers at street fairs and festivals. These are the only places I can think of where this happened.

Noticed charge of $49.95 from jrincsupport.co PAYMENT KR; did not recognize vendor. Checked vendor on google and found your site about this fraud from Korea (or wherever). Called Wells Fargo, explained, and with little difficulty, had my debit card cancelled and a new one ordered. Was able to go by a branch on the same day and get a temp card until new one is sent me. The amount will be credited back to me after the incident is investigated by WF. My bank handled it well, but it is still quite a nuisance since I have vendors I DO use with my card number on file. They will have to be notified so that my pre-orders are not cancelled for nonpayment.

The same thing happened to me today... there was a big data breach at Shaw's supermarkets from something like June 22-July 17... I have shopped there once in my life and it happened to be during that time. I have never used this card on Amazon, so I assume it's Shaws (and possibly affiliated grocers).

I just woke up with a text message from my Chase account saying I was charged $49.95 from jrincsupport.com. I have no idea who or what this is. The last time I used my card was a couple of days ago for a purchase from Theebeautique.com an online clothing website instagram and their location is in the UK. This has to have some kind of affiliation. I'm going to my bank as soon as it open and show them this site that I was brought to after googling the jrincsupport.com to show them that I have been scammed out of my money plus get my money back from Theebeautique. They told me I wasn't going to get my order until 45 days. Who takes that long to ship orders. Thanks for everybody who posted their comments about this. This should help me get my money back very easily.

Chase sent me a txt alerting me about the charge today from jrinsupport.com, they declined the charge. It originated from Korea. I also made a purchase on Amazon just last month and from what I see many of us have used amazon shortly before the charge took place. I'm contacting amazon and about to call this shady place.

8/09/13 charge on my account. Contacted their online support and was initally told I couldnt get a refund because they "had the correct info". When infact it was incomplete. Like missing my apartment number. and not having my full name on the order. they said they'd issue a refund as a "one time courtesy" we'll see about that in time. Meanwhile I have since canceled my card. And my bank is sending me a new one so hopefully this doesnt happen again. it'd be nice if there was a way to actually prosecute this scammers.

Same $49.95 charge showed up on Visa card statement dated 8/5/14. Called Visa...lady said this was here third call on this place today.

Happened to me too!! Suspicious charge of 49.95 with a foreign transaction fee of $1.49. That's what caught my attention. I did not authorize this charge & it makes me furious to have to go through the hassle of getting it credited! Just showed up on my card as jrincsuppot.com. So glad I found this sight.

I just noticed the 49.95 charge on my card today. It began August 13 and then occured again on September2, twice, for a total of three recurring charges. I immediately called my bank fraud department after checking here. My card was cancelled and an investigation started by the bank. Like everyone else there was no order made and I wondered where the entry point was.

I noticed this charge of $49.95 with just the number 888-404-9930 processing and called Bank of America. This was on my husbands card and he does not order anything on line. B of A reversed the charge and cancelled his card and sending a new one. This is the third time we have been hit in 3 months with scammers. I only will order with Paypal on line.

I had the same thing happen to me today. I phoned Wells Fargo and they immediately opened a disputed charge case and immediately cancelled my debit card. The 'refund' process will probably take 5-15 business days. I use my debit card frequently as I don't like to carry cash, however, after this experience, that is going to change.

Just found the same charge on my card and reported directly to BoA without calling jrincsupport. BofA tried to get the merchant on the phone at the same time I was on the phone and it was a dead line. The transaction will be removed from my account and I made sure BoA knew that I expected fraud and possible future transactions (on a recorded call). By the way, I have not used this card at Target. Not sure if that matters or helps others.

Contacted my bank; cancelled card

Just saw the same scam charge ($49.95) on our bank card shortly after a trip to the Outer banks of North Carolina. Any correlation with anyone else?

Noticed a $49.95 charge on my latest statement from jrincsupport.com early August. Looked at my current activity, and also found a $49.95 charge from GarciniaDiet in the last week of August. Disputed with Visa, they are sending new cards.

The same thing just happened to me, twice, on the same account with the numbers 888-408-1062.com (866)992-7750, jrincsupport. The number was also linked to brave florist in PA.

I called the number on my CC statement and they were very helpful. They just do the billing for a bunch of different companies. The transaction in question ended up being for a vitamin suppliment purchased.

I called the number that came with this email address they knew my home address that Just scary

Amazon is the leak.

They're also using a number 888-380-5058.COM out of Pensacola, FL. Called BoA and reported as fraud. Tried calling number with BoA representative on the phone and could not get through. They are sending me a new card, but told me that I would have to let the pending transaction process before they could investigate.

Same charge of 49.95 on 8-7 at 9 pm. Got the alert via text from BoA (saying approved) wtf would they approve it if they are aware of this scam. cancelling my cards asap

Im Thankful for Bank of America their the best they located the same $49.95 fraud from jirncsupport.com happening and called me at once to inform me they are dealing with this in justice.keep a check on your account at all times.

I hope this is helpful to anyone, my boyfriend purchased video game equipment from amazon.com, the seller took all his info and never sent him a confirmation that the games would be shipped, when emailed to cancel the games he never responded again, I believe that this merchant might have something to do with this fraud that is going on, I will have to find some info on his account to see if any of you guys bought from him...ok his name was MarvelDC.

Amazon is the leak.

Can you help? What is this charge?

(Will be shown publicly)
(Be concise and clear. Include supporting links or references)

Also Appears on Statements As

  • CHKCARDjrincsupport.com 866-992-7750 KR
  • CHECKCARD jrincsupport.com 866-992-7750 KR
  • POS Debit jrincsupport.com 866-992-7750 KR
  • POS PUR jrincsupport.com 866-992-7750 KR
  • POS PURCH jrincsupport.com 866-992-7750 KR
  • POS PURCHASE jrincsupport.com 866-992-7750 KR
  • POS REFUND jrincsupport.com 866-992-7750 KR
  • PRE-AUTH jrincsupport.com 866-992-7750 KR
  • PENDING jrincsupport.com 866-992-7750 KR
  • Visa Check Card jrincsupport.com 866-992-7750 KR MC
  • Misc. Debit jrincsupport.com 866-992-7750 KR
  • CHKCARD jrincsupport.com 866-992-7750 KR