I have had several charges on my debit card. Has been like 6.89 or $2. And change. I had not made any purchases. And I have been using cash for my purchases and not my debit card. And it shows from Walmart.com8009.
Wal-Mart.com #8009
Learn about the "Wal Mart.Com #8009" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.
First seen on July 17, 2014, Last updated on March 17, 2022
What is it?
I received a similar email from Capital One about a denied charge at Walmart 8009, but my card is locked so it was declined. The charge also exceeded my credit limit so it would not have been approved. You may need to request a new card from your bank/credit card company as your account may have been compromised.
I had 2 charges that were fraudulent from store 8009. This needs to stop before I contact my attorney.
Debit Card Preauth WALMART.COM 8009 $149.77
I had $248.38 stolen from my bank account. NOI body I knows doesn't shopping in Bentoville,Ar
I also have fraud charges of 411.59 from Walmart.com 8009
Someone only charged 6.97 on my card; low enough to not raise suspicion.
I have received several charges on my cash app for purchases of gift cards from $200-500. When I checked with cash app they stated it came from Walmart 8009. Luckily those transactions were not approved. I did not authorize anyone to use my cash app account. Please cancel my account with Walmart. Thank you. My email is sdiggs328@gmail.com or you may text me here or my phone number (215) 833-6516
I have a 128.64 charge on my debit card from Walmart 8009
My card has been used with a purchase at Walmart.. Which I haven't done
Also Appears on Statements As
- CHKCARDWal-Mart.com #8009
- CHECKCARD Wal-Mart.com #8009
- POS Debit Wal-Mart.com #8009
- POS PUR Wal-Mart.com #8009
- POS PURCH Wal-Mart.com #8009
- POS PURCHASE Wal-Mart.com #8009
- POS REFUND Wal-Mart.com #8009
- PRE-AUTH Wal-Mart.com #8009
- PENDING Wal-Mart.com #8009
- Visa Check Card Wal-Mart.com #8009 MC
- Misc. Debit Wal-Mart.com #8009
- CHKCARD Wal-Mart.com #8009