Vendini Tisan fra (800) 683 6346

Learn about the "Vendini Tisan Fra (800) 683 6346" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on September 24, 2014, Last updated on February 27, 2019

What is it?

Vendini is a third party ticketing agent for hundreds of community theaters across the country. When you buy your theater tickets from a community theater's website you will usually see in their check-out page or on your receipt that a charge will appear on your CC account from Vendini and not from the community theater itself.

Can you help? What is this charge?

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Also Appears on Statements As

  • CHKCARDVendini Tisan fra (800) 683 6346
  • CHECKCARD Vendini Tisan fra (800) 683 6346
  • POS Debit Vendini Tisan fra (800) 683 6346
  • POS PUR Vendini Tisan fra (800) 683 6346
  • POS PURCH Vendini Tisan fra (800) 683 6346
  • POS PURCHASE Vendini Tisan fra (800) 683 6346
  • POS REFUND Vendini Tisan fra (800) 683 6346
  • PRE-AUTH Vendini Tisan fra (800) 683 6346
  • PENDING Vendini Tisan fra (800) 683 6346
  • Visa Check Card Vendini Tisan fra (800) 683 6346 MC
  • Misc. Debit Vendini Tisan fra (800) 683 6346
  • CHKCARD Vendini Tisan fra (800) 683 6346