I, too, thought I was being ripped off for $5.50. Then I remembered: on 7/29, the date of the charges, my Mom was in the Hospital, and the vending machine would not accept my $5 bills. So, I used the debit feature to make 4 snack purchases. Think back...maybe this happened to you too. Luckily, I have not experienced any large debits, like the 3/10 post on the $500 withdrawal.
USA*Canteen Vending
Learn about the "Usa*Canteen Vending" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.
First seen on November 20, 2014, Last updated on March 22, 2024
What is it?
I have been receiving tw0 $2.00 charges on my account every month for the pass 5 months. The charges appear on my statement as Canteen Vending 1800 Cant Hunt Valley,MD. These charges are fraudulent and need to be taken off my account.
87 charges over some days before the bank flagged them. Coca Cola/Canteen Vending/Snack soda vending etc. someone banked a LOT of snacks. Strangely some were declined then others went through after. Totaling $347, only $40 of that was declined. All around 2-5 dollar charges And a random shuttle charge in Utah for a little over 40, very strange since I rarely use my debit for anything besides rare cash withdrawals either from the bank or usual ATM at the gas station by the house.
Got this when I bought a soda from a vending machine in Arizona, so they don’t just operate in Maryland
This vendor is being used at my job site. I purchased a soda for 1.50 and see a charge for 5.00. I work in the legal field and will go to the CA State's Attorney General office to have this issue addressed immediately.
I don't use vending machines anywhere especially not with a debit card. I have a charge of $1.60 on my bank account & it is dated 6/11. {Please remove this charge
I got one of these in south Florida and apparently, after a thief gets your credit card information, will try to make a small purchase ($1.25) at one of these machines. If it accepts the counterfeit card, the thief will then try to make larger purchases, in my case BJ's and off they go until they get shut down. Luckily, my card company caught these purchases early and we canceled the card and denied the charges.
Its dec 12 2019,,,I had 5 charges come out of our account,,my husband's acct,,the bank said his was used in that fashion only little amounts,,but on dec 6 they put 95 dollars at a truck stop in Kansas,,,we are in Louisiana,,CROOKS,,HE HAS NEver used a vending machine and doesn't pay Bill's on line
Also Appears on Statements As
- CHKCARDUSA*Canteen Vending
- CHECKCARD USA*Canteen Vending
- POS Debit USA*Canteen Vending
- POS PUR USA*Canteen Vending
- POS PURCH USA*Canteen Vending
- POS PURCHASE USA*Canteen Vending
- POS REFUND USA*Canteen Vending
- PRE-AUTH USA*Canteen Vending
- PENDING USA*Canteen Vending
- Visa Check Card USA*Canteen Vending MC
- Misc. Debit USA*Canteen Vending
- CHKCARD USA*Canteen Vending