UNITED 0167298931636 800-932-2732 TX

Learn about the "United 0167298931636 800 932 2732 Tx " charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on October 4, 2013, Last updated on September 8, 2023

What is it?

Was charged $166.80 on 7/10/14. Never flew or made a purchase on United.

This was a charge for an in flight purchase of a chicken sandwich. I actually did make this legitimate purchase.

I was working in my office and received a msg that USD5,397 was charged to my Citibank Credit Card. Upon checking this was from the US.. guess where am I? I'm located in Asia. The only place that has by CC details was in GooglePay/Wallet. I have other cards too, but only Citibank CC was compromised!! Raised it to the Bank hopefully the dispute is successful, else this is absurd.

They stole my card information made several transactions including one for $35.00 with United Airlines. I wish I could get a refund for this fraud


I never have flown United nor booked a flight. I had a charge for two tickets for over 2000.00 each! on credit card. Called bank and called United. United stated payment will be refunded and clerk at United discovered it was fraudulent. The charge was stated it was canceled 2 days after it was noticed to be fraud yet the transaction still went through and was on credit card bill! Going back to brick and morter shops and using good old fashion currency! No more on line shopping for me! The transaction should have been stopped and resolved before it got on my statement! I do thank the clerk at United for discovering and questioning the stopping the transaction.

Mine was a $25 fee for baggage. I googled it because I couldn't remember the transaction. Thought it was a bogus charge. Not so.

These are in flight purchases that showed up weeks later. Didn't recognize them at first because I was already thinking about the next flight (and trying to figure out what United has to do with a flight on Delta).

Charged for choosing seats on a two flights ($7 each)

HStewart, Did you fly on an airline that is a subsidiary of United?

Can you help? What is this charge?

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Also Appears on Statements As

  • CHKCARDUNITED 0167298931636 800-932-2732 TX
  • CHECKCARD UNITED 0167298931636 800-932-2732 TX
  • POS Debit UNITED 0167298931636 800-932-2732 TX
  • POS PUR UNITED 0167298931636 800-932-2732 TX
  • POS PURCH UNITED 0167298931636 800-932-2732 TX
  • POS PURCHASE UNITED 0167298931636 800-932-2732 TX
  • POS REFUND UNITED 0167298931636 800-932-2732 TX
  • PRE-AUTH UNITED 0167298931636 800-932-2732 TX
  • PENDING UNITED 0167298931636 800-932-2732 TX
  • Visa Check Card UNITED 0167298931636 800-932-2732 TX MC
  • Misc. Debit UNITED 0167298931636 800-932-2732 TX
  • CHKCARD UNITED 0167298931636 800-932-2732 TX