My card was used twice for an Uber ride I did not take. $66.93 + $40.23 under the same Uber trip number
UBER TRIP 8005928996 CA
Learn about the "Uber Trip 8005928996 Ca" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.
First seen on September 10, 2021, Last updated on May 24, 2024
What is it?
I just received my cc statement and there were 6 UBER TRIP charges totaling $391.63. These charges are fraudulent as my family and I were home for the holidays and someone enjoyed San Francisco on us! I cancelled my credit card on 12/30/21 and was issued another one..AND guess what? An additional 4 charges were done on the NEW CARD from the same merchant!! What the heck is going on?
My card was used 5 times for Uber trip number 8005928996 CA. I have never used used a uber before. Please call me back or email
I live in the Netherlands and on February 3, 2023, 2 amounts have been debited from my credit card by Uber Eats in San Francisco! (Total $440) How the hell is this possible??
They took 300$ worth of uber eats food and i live in nyc like comon now
Your cards have all likely been compromised. Mine was as well. Uber doesn't provide support on the phone for these types of issues. They just want you to fill out a form and wait to hear back from them. Make it easier on yourself and figure out the full list of all charges that you did not make, and then call your credit card company and have them block your card and issue you a new one. All of the fraudulent charges will be disputed and the money returned to you.
I had several charges on my debit card, I live in Hawaii and charges are in California. No recent trips to california. Had to replace my card and stop charges. I have never used Uber. How is this possible?
I got the exact same thing!!!! Exactly that. I'm waiting on them to message me back
This is fraud. Someone tried to use Uber on me 100 dollars three times EACH! But just call your bank and dial up to the fraud department, they should look into it and create a case which does take a while but they will eventually make it right.
They charged my card, I cancelled it and they are still trying to charge my old card..... after 3 months
my card has 5 uber charges that I know nothing about totaling $179.65. I have my own car and do not use uber or uber eats.
It shows that an Uber was taken trip number 8005928996 where was the pick up and drop off this was made off my credit card
My wife just found 37 UBER charges in 6 days in CA. $1,800!!!. We never use UBER. Luckily BofA is good with this stuff. WTF!
JP in Socal
Uber charhed me some operations with this number. I'm not client or customer or Uber. It's a fraud.
My big question is "why hasn't this been stopped?" I am noticing how far back this activity has been going on. We all have had the same experience. It just happened to me yesterday. And after a fraud alert from my bank and me receiving a new visa, it happened again a few hours later. The bank reversed the charges of course, but how can this continue to happen? The phone number is the same as is the location in CA. Shouldn't there be action taken by the FBI or the FTC or someone?
Uber Technologies TRIP 8005928996 was used fraudulently on my debit card on Saturday February 17, 2023. I was at the middle of the desert camping at the time the transaction went through, but was checking my emails at the time it popped up as an alert from my bank. I called the bank and reported the fraud , they locked the debit card and are looking into the matter. I also reported this to the FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center, IC3 as well.
Also Appears on Statements As
- POS Debit UBER TRIP 8005928996 CA
- POS PUR UBER TRIP 8005928996 CA
- PRE-AUTH UBER TRIP 8005928996 CA
- Visa Check Card UBER TRIP 8005928996 CA MC
- Misc. Debit UBER TRIP 8005928996 CA