TGS COM.COM 920-5694252 WI

Learn about the "Tgs Com.Com 920 5694252 Wi " charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on November 12, 2012, Last updated on August 25, 2023

What is it?

Tgs took monthly payments from my credit one credit card. It went on so long because I didn't open my statements just paid bill thru credit one cash app. When I was working post cancer, and mail stacks up, it's easy for a scam to go on so long. And because of the longevity credit one will not correct this fraud. I didn't sign up for no games nor did I give them the credit one card number.

Can you help? What is this charge?

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Also Appears on Statements As

  • CHKCARDTGS COM.COM 920-5694252 WI
  • CHECKCARD TGS COM.COM 920-5694252 WI
  • POS Debit TGS COM.COM 920-5694252 WI
  • POS PUR TGS COM.COM 920-5694252 WI
  • POS PURCH TGS COM.COM 920-5694252 WI
  • POS REFUND TGS COM.COM 920-5694252 WI
  • PRE-AUTH TGS COM.COM 920-5694252 WI
  • PENDING TGS COM.COM 920-5694252 WI
  • Visa Check Card TGS COM.COM 920-5694252 WI MC
  • Misc. Debit TGS COM.COM 920-5694252 WI
  • CHKCARD TGS COM.COM 920-5694252 WI