SDE INC 800-4621478 NH

Learn about the "Sde Inc 800 4621478 Nh" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on July 20, 2012, Last updated on April 2, 2013

What is it?

Dear Sir,

This is Prisna from Dalat International School, Penang, Malaysia

We would like to request for a copy of the bill paid by credit card. The billing was done on Nov 20, 2012 – amount US$699.00, SDE INC. The last 4 digit of the credit card number is 4204 , under the name of Karl Steinkamp.

We would appreciate a copy of the bill by email .

Thank you.

Prisna Finance Office

Can you help? What is this charge?

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Also Appears on Statements As

  • CHKCARDSDE INC 800-4621478 NH
  • CHECKCARD SDE INC 800-4621478 NH
  • POS Debit SDE INC 800-4621478 NH
  • POS PUR SDE INC 800-4621478 NH
  • POS PURCH SDE INC 800-4621478 NH
  • POS PURCHASE SDE INC 800-4621478 NH
  • POS REFUND SDE INC 800-4621478 NH
  • PRE-AUTH SDE INC 800-4621478 NH
  • PENDING SDE INC 800-4621478 NH
  • Visa Check Card SDE INC 800-4621478 NH MC
  • Misc. Debit SDE INC 800-4621478 NH
  • CHKCARD SDE INC 800-4621478 NH