SCSI 800-4777474 WI

Learn about the "Scsi 800 4777474 Wi" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on June 24, 2015, Last updated on June 8, 2023

What is it?

This is a state Medical collection agency. The hospital doesn't do their own billing. It is hired out through a private agency.

This was charged without my authorization. No payment plan was set up. It is fraudulent.

I just looked at my bank account online and there is a charge of 25.00 to "SCSI-8004777474 ACH Debit Tel" this was not an authorized charge. I am contacting my bank, they should not allow any charges to come through without my permission.

SCSI is a debt collector in Wisconsin, they collect medical debts. You will most likely see this charge if you agreed to a payment plan with them to pay your debt. They do not magically have your banking information unless you give it to them, so it will go through as an authorized charge. I speak from experience as I am currently working on paying off debt myself.

I don't like this program
Please put my money bank back $ 132.21 I am not accept from you Thank you

Can you help? What is this charge?

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Also Appears on Statements As

  • CHKCARDSCSI 800-4777474 WI
  • CHECKCARD SCSI 800-4777474 WI
  • POS Debit SCSI 800-4777474 WI
  • POS PUR SCSI 800-4777474 WI
  • POS PURCH SCSI 800-4777474 WI
  • POS PURCHASE SCSI 800-4777474 WI
  • POS REFUND SCSI 800-4777474 WI
  • PRE-AUTH SCSI 800-4777474 WI
  • PENDING SCSI 800-4777474 WI
  • Visa Check Card SCSI 800-4777474 WI MC
  • Misc. Debit SCSI 800-4777474 WI
  • CHKCARD SCSI 800-4777474 WI