SC.Gov.SC 803-771-0131 SCUS

Learn about the "Sc.Gov.Sc 803 771 0131 Scus" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on September 11, 2014, Last updated on August 6, 2016

What is it?

This is a charge that will show up anytime you use a debit card to pay for most anything wit the State of SC. In my case it was for copies of some birth certificates. At first I freaked out because when I researched the charge it showed up as often a scam or for traffic tickets and neither were the case for me. It took a bit for me to think about the birth certificates I had ordered.

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Also Appears on Statements As

  • CHKCARDSC.Gov.SC 803-771-0131 SCUS
  • CHECKCARD SC.Gov.SC 803-771-0131 SCUS
  • POS Debit SC.Gov.SC 803-771-0131 SCUS
  • POS PUR SC.Gov.SC 803-771-0131 SCUS
  • POS PURCH SC.Gov.SC 803-771-0131 SCUS
  • POS PURCHASE SC.Gov.SC 803-771-0131 SCUS
  • POS REFUND SC.Gov.SC 803-771-0131 SCUS
  • PRE-AUTH SC.Gov.SC 803-771-0131 SCUS
  • PENDING SC.Gov.SC 803-771-0131 SCUS
  • Visa Check Card SC.Gov.SC 803-771-0131 SCUS MC
  • Misc. Debit SC.Gov.SC 803-771-0131 SCUS
  • CHKCARD SC.Gov.SC 803-771-0131 SCUS