Learn about the "Samsclub.Com Bentonville Arus" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on December 9, 2013, Last updated on December 4, 2024

What is it?

I received a $45.00 charge on my Bank Account the CHECKCARD 04/17 SAM'S ANNEX-SAM'S MMBR BENTONVILLE AR Debit -$45.00.

I have not used my card within the last 4 to months not purchased any items from Sam's Club. I do not live in the area nor have I given my card to anyone for use purpose. Please fix this issue and refund my money.

I have a 100.00 charge pending in Bentonville AR and have never been there. I have reported it as fraud. Make sure you check your bank regularly after shopping Sams Club. They apparently know this happens and can't catch this MF . I would like to catch them though

On my ATM card a charge of $45.00 appeared dated 9/30/2020 from Sam's Annex- Sam's Bentonville AR. this is not a valid charge and is fraudulent. Please resolve as soon as possible.

What is Sam Club doing to resolve this issue?

I am not a Sam's club member, but I have 6 charges of $45 each. SAMSCLUB.COM BENTONVILLE US

My bank card has 4 process from this.over 150 dollars worth

I am reporting that someone has tried to purchase some merchandise at your store in my name. I am informing you that I am not a member of Sam's club or have I ever been to your establishment in Arizona... So whoever the scumbag is I just want you to know that I had to discontinue my bank card is Frozen so you will not be getting any money from my account whoever this is you need to really invest some way to stop him or them obviously there's been many more that had the same thing happened to them please bring this to a stop.

I also recently had a fraudulent debit card charge from Sams Club Online for $47.12 out of AR. I've never been to a Sam's Club, don't have a membership and didn't make any online purchases. Reported it to my bank, have to get a replacement debit card.

I was charged $45.00 on my debit card that someone use my bank card at Sams in Bentonville Arkansas and it was not me, I am seeing there have been many reports that this is happening to a lot of people, with the same thing and the amount of the transaction, that has happened to them . what is the company doing about this, this could be a inside job someone that’s works for Sams doing this because they have information about people bank information, I think Sams club should have investigated this situation more serious because one than 10 people are having the same thing happen to then. It’s a unconvinced to many people, because we have to call the bank , call our company s that take out payment that use our bank card information , we have to change or bank ing information because I think Sams Club is not taking this matter seriously, I am going to get a lawyer because I think Sams club is not think ing about the millions of people that go to Sams club, I think Sames club fraud teams should have investigating this mater more seriously when there are more than one clam put in by more than one person and the the amounts are the same. , the person that’s is doing this is clearly doing this on purpose and they don’t think they can’t be hold accountable, but Sam Club can be head accountable , if you are reading this message I hope y’all are feeling the same way I do because I am mad😡😡😡😡😡

I also just received 3 fraudulent charges from Sam’s Club Bensonville AR. What is with this branch?? Just disputed on my debit card

I just received a $45.00 charge in my bank account that says... CHECKCARD 07/13 SAM'S ANNEX-SAM'S MMBR BENTONVILLE AR Debit -$45.00. I have not renewed my membership in over year. This is a fraudulent charge. BEWARE!

I have a charge to Sam's Annex Sam's is all I can see on name for $100. Idk what this is or why I'm getting charged this I didn't authorize this

I have a $100.55 charge on my bank account for Sam's Club in Bentonville, AK, and the person I spoke with pretty much said too bad, nothing they could do, call the bank. Has anyone had any resolution on this issue at all? Today is my first time using the online Sam's Club service. Amazing how quickly this happened.

Received a text message from my Citi card that said my card was not present for a $0.00 transaction at ANNEX-SAM'S MM. Immediately locked my card and was thankful there was no money taken!

I have a $100 charge here. I AM IN INDIANA. YOUR CLUB HAS A RECORD OF BAD CHARGES. ANY IDEA WHY???????? My credit union stopped it.

Fortunately, my bank(CHIME) knew this was a bogus charge and sent me a text asking if this was a purchase I made. I responded NO, and they blocked it, although $100 will now be on hold for a few days causing other issues with bills I have scheduled. I am a Walmart+ member and made a purchase from my local WM in south Florida. An hour later was this attempt for what seems to be a SAM'S CLUB+ membership which I never subscribed to. AS IF THIS WALMART/SAM'S FAMILY DIDN'T HAVE ENOUGH MONEY now they have resorted to stealing more from the white trash that made them rich. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!

4 charges to that will didn’t make on my debit card

I had 2 charges of $45.00 each, post to my credit card, on 2 different dates, from SAMSCLUB.COM BENTONVILLE. Since I knew I had not shopped at Sam's Club recently, I contacted via online chat. I was advised by the agent to report these charges to my credit card as FRAUD. Consequently, I also had a charge to my credit card from WALGREENS.COM EDWARDSVILLE that I did not recognize. After contacting via online chat, I was advised to report the charge to my credit card as FRAUD. BEWARE AND CHECK YOUR BANK/CREDIT CARD ACCOUNTS DAILY!! I do, and boy am I glad!!

I have a 100.00 charge pending in Bentonville AR and have never been there. I have reported it as fraud. Make sure you check your bank regularly after shopping Sams Club. They apparently know this happens

Sam’s Club/Walmart is headquartered in Bentonville, Arkansas in the US (BENTONVILLE, ARUS) Many people are saying “Over never been to Bentonville, AR. Of course you haven’t but that’s how Sam’s Club describes it to bank statements. Countless other companies include the state name of their headquarters on their back descriptor. They begin the auto-renew process roughly 10 days out from the expiration of the yearly membership. Yearly memberships can either be $45 or $100. There are many, many ways Sam’s Club advertises their memberships (Groupon, Dealhub Sites, etc.) offering your first year free. Sometimes it’s a discounted price and/or a free 25$ gift card. I believe many people on here are signing up for the good deals (myself included) but not realizing they will have an auto-renewal 365 days after that. Too often, companies choose to automatically register you as an auto-renewal recipient unless you decide to go into your account and UNselect that option. (Because we only want the free trial and/or the good discounts and gift cards)

As for those who have had SEVERAL charges POSTED to their account (some even draining their available funds) I have no explanation for that. TO BE CLEAR, I am referring to those who have actually had money removed from their account multiple times. It is possible that many people have had several ATTEMPTS at their Auto-Renewal charging to their account but it never POSTED because their bank rejected it as fraudulent. After scrolling through hundreds of posts on here, there were a small amount of people who said they actually had several charges post to their account.


I have a charge of 45.00- unauthorized. I don't have a credit card with this company. I need answers.

I think this is an on-line order charge.

I Didn't make this charge this from SAMSCLUB.COM BENTONVILLE ARUS, or online.

They took exactly 12.95 out of my card and o live nowhere near Bentonville arus and it some how came up as a charge I’d like someone to do something about this

11/26/21 I received a notification that I made a transaction of $12.95 from Walmart Bentonville, Arus for groceries. I called customer service from chime and I explained that I didn't make this transaction. I was told that Walmart headquarters is in Bentonville, Arus. I looked through my transactions from to Sam's club, but I didn't see anything in that amount. I got my card closed because I believed it was fraud. However, I think it's was for my Walmart+ membership which is $12.95 that renewed on the 27th.

There was a charge to my Chime Card for 45.00 (Pending) on 12/29/21 from Sams Club Bentonville Arus and I'm in Alabama. I am not sure what this charge is and would like more information. I am a SAM's Club member, but I have not made any purchases.

It was charge $100.00 membership and I live St Louis Mo

On November 2, 2018 I saw a charge in my account for $1.00 from SamsClub Bentonville Arus. I did not authorize this charge and am requesting a refund and a cease and desist request immediately.

I saw a pre-authorized transaction dated 04-26-2018. I did not do this translation. I am trying to contact you before, any merchandise is shipped out to whoever did this. My phone # 407-766-0111/4075045579.

I have a withdrawal from my debit card for 100.00.It must be fraud. I'm in MICHIGAN.

Someone from SamClub Bentonville ARUS has charge $45,00 dollars that I didn't authorize this charge and I am requesting a refund. I will report this to my bank as fraud and stop payment on this.

I had a charge today for $215.90 from Sam's club in bentonville ARUS. I have never been to this city or authorized and online charge Reporting this as fraud to my financial institution

My boyfriend got a unartgorized charge made on his chime account for the amount of $12.95 from “bentonville., arus” after recently”(yesterday to be exact)” getting a credit card threw Amazon & from the 30min-1hr of time I’ve spent trying to dig for details/;/trace what lil info was attached w/the fraudulent transaction all I’ve been able to find the “bentonville arus” trace back to is a p.o.s hacker/thief is hiding their self by using “Sam’s Club” (no association w/the actual company) as their decoy for the blame!! Someone pls help ya girl out w/some type of info to fix this issue & secure my account for future prevention of a same/similar situation happening again!!

Saw a pending Point of Sale Authorization of 0.00 from Sams Annex, Bentonville AR. Googled it and saw this site. Luckily I immediately called my bank, as it appeared to have just happened, closed my card, and nothing has been taken. Reported the fraud. Right before the holidays. This is ridiculous.

Can you help? What is this charge?

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