
Learn about the "Riotgames(866)373 9211 " charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on October 15, 2012, Last updated on December 5, 2023

What is it?

riot games is a online game called "league of legends"

Hi, somebody has stolen my credit card and I just received a charge of 110,95$ (18/01/2014) titled "RIOTGAM*LEAGUEOFLEGEND 866-373-9211 CA US". Of course not made by me so I Report it as a fraud immediately!

Hope you can do something!

Did not make this charge..fraud on my card

Received a charge on my credit card for $49.99 fraudulent purchase

I get a call this morning from fraud detection, here’s a similar name that appeared on my phone: RiotGamLol LN84

someone has used my card to buy $ 500 worth of gaming. POLICE have been notified. TOTAL FRAUD. LN0D, LNOJ, LNOV, LNOE, LNO2. please verify the purchasers info before releasing products. i don't even know who this company is.

Can you help? What is this charge?

(Will be shown publicly)
(Be concise and clear. Include supporting links or references)

Also Appears on Statements As

  • CHKCARDRIOTGAMES(866)373-9211
  • CHECKCARD RIOTGAMES(866)373-9211
  • POS Debit RIOTGAMES(866)373-9211
  • POS PUR RIOTGAMES(866)373-9211
  • POS PURCH RIOTGAMES(866)373-9211
  • POS REFUND RIOTGAMES(866)373-9211
  • PRE-AUTH RIOTGAMES(866)373-9211
  • PENDING RIOTGAMES(866)373-9211
  • Visa Check Card RIOTGAMES(866)373-9211 MC
  • Misc. Debit RIOTGAMES(866)373-9211
  • CHKCARD RIOTGAMES(866)373-9211