Our 365 Portrai,877-4880737 ,NJ

Learn about the "Our 365 Portrai,877 4880737 ,Nj" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on December 4, 2014, Last updated on October 10, 2022

What is it?

I have not purchased any thing from click health life

I have not purchased from CLC-Healtylife, this is fraud and theft.

This is being charged on my credit card as a reoccurring monthly charge.I have not made a purchase for this company.I called the # on my bill and it immediately hangs up on me.

I have not purchased any product from CLC Healthylife. This is a fraud.

I have never knowingly purchased a product from this company nor have I agreed to a m onthly debt charge from my credit card or any other account. On several occasions I have attempted to contact a person at. 855-754-9368 to no avail.

Can you help? What is this charge?

(Will be shown publicly)
(Be concise and clear. Include supporting links or references)

Also Appears on Statements As

  • CHKCARDOur 365 Portrai,877-4880737 ,NJ
  • CHECKCARD Our 365 Portrai,877-4880737 ,NJ
  • POS Debit Our 365 Portrai,877-4880737 ,NJ
  • POS PUR Our 365 Portrai,877-4880737 ,NJ
  • POS PURCH Our 365 Portrai,877-4880737 ,NJ
  • POS PURCHASE Our 365 Portrai,877-4880737 ,NJ
  • POS REFUND Our 365 Portrai,877-4880737 ,NJ
  • PRE-AUTH Our 365 Portrai,877-4880737 ,NJ
  • PENDING Our 365 Portrai,877-4880737 ,NJ
  • Visa Check Card Our 365 Portrai,877-4880737 ,NJ MC
  • Misc. Debit Our 365 Portrai,877-4880737 ,NJ
  • CHKCARD Our 365 Portrai,877-4880737 ,NJ