MTKPS COM 888-205-0439

Learn about the "Mtkps Com 888 205 0439 " charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on January 22, 2016, Last updated on June 13, 2022

What is it?

Keeps takeing money out off my acc when I’ve never put my info into the website

CHIME: Did you try to use your Chime card ending 5208 for $19.98 at 'MTKPS.COM STEVENSON RANCAUS' on 06/12? Reply Yes or No.

This message i coppied and pasted exactly from the text chime sent me. If this helps i want to know who tried to use mine. Its a brand new card

chase credit shows a charge of $2.99 made on 1-30 which was declined. mtkps is shown as the merchant.

For 3 months now this company has charged my credit card 39.99. I have called to cancel my subscription three separate times. I've canceled my subscription online and they still keep charging my card

CHIME: Did you try to use your Chime card ending 5208 for $19.98 at 'MTKPS.COM STEVENSON RANCAUS' on 06/12? Reply Yes or No.

This message i coppied and pasted exactly from the text chime sent me. If this helps i want to know who tried to use mine. Its a brand new card

A charge of $39.99 was also posted on my card and when I called them they couldn't tell me anything all they could do was say they would refund it in 5-7 business days. I wanna know what it was for and who did it.

Can you help? What is this charge?

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Also Appears on Statements As

  • CHKCARDMTKPS COM 888-205-0439
  • CHECKCARD MTKPS COM 888-205-0439
  • POS Debit MTKPS COM 888-205-0439
  • POS PUR MTKPS COM 888-205-0439
  • POS PURCH MTKPS COM 888-205-0439
  • POS PURCHASE MTKPS COM 888-205-0439
  • POS REFUND MTKPS COM 888-205-0439
  • PRE-AUTH MTKPS COM 888-205-0439
  • PENDING MTKPS COM 888-205-0439
  • Visa Check Card MTKPS COM 888-205-0439 MC
  • Misc. Debit MTKPS COM 888-205-0439
  • CHKCARD MTKPS COM 888-205-0439