Three fraudulent charges for Meijer Inc appeared on my credit card, on same date, two for $105.95 and a third for $117.69, saying Meijer Inc Q01 Walled, MI...I have never been to Michigan in my life. Again, all of these charges were made on same date! My card is in my possession in entirely different state! I can only assume card info was stolen by either family dollar atore clerk or restaurant waitress as Id used my card earlier, on same date at both places. However, I only charged $12 at dollar store and $14 in restaurant. Who is this company and why are they doing this?! I still cannot believe my bank's security team allowed three charges to go thru back to back, without a security alert.
Charges were outside of my normal spending region, two were duplicates, and all three were at same store, same day, consecutive times! Most banks would've denied at least the 2nd and 3rd charges and contacted the customer. Therefore, I will no longer be carrying their card.