Learn about the "Clip Mx*Alimentos Y Be Ciudad De Mex " charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on January 6, 2018, Last updated on September 24, 2024

What is it?

Same experience at the same PEMEX gas station described above by Rose, Rita, Brian, and Jared. Returning to the airport on 07/06 after our Cabo trip that started 06/28, we pulled in to fill up our rental and tried using our Barclay Master Card (MC). The outside gas station attendant, a friendly local who asks the same questions about "business or pleasure" and "how many days you staying", runs the card through his handheld credit card machine, but tells us that the credit card scanner didn't work and that we'll have to pay cash or try a different credit card. He runs my other card (also Master Card-issued, but an ATM/debit card), and it mysteriously works! By the way, the same attendant at the same station who claimed the scanner won't work on 07/06 had successfully scanned the same "non-functional" Barclay MC a few days earlier for $115 USD, when we'd filled up on 07/03,. "HD 995 CERRO COLORADO LOS CABOS BCS" appears on the credit card bill for the successful transaction. While reviewing my card transactions online about a week after our return, I see a mysterious $981.97 charge transacted on the Barclay MC on 07/06, the date of our departure, but this charge is for merchant "CLIP MX*TAXIS O SERVIC CIUDAD DE MEX". A Google search for this "merchant" leads me to this WhatsThatCharge website. I'm copying/pasting all of the previous traveler's posts from this website to justify reopening my declined dispute case with Barclay Master Card. Anybody know if the newer gas stations popping up in Cabo after deregulation are any more honest (TESORO, REPSOL, BAJA Gas, Mobil, Costco)?

Our card was charged $1016.41 usd at a PEMEX in CABO SAN LUCAS on the 28th of May. Our only transactions that were our hotel.... PEMEX gas station and Subway at the airport........ At the PEMEX the attendant ran our visa through her hand held scanner and said "IT DID NOT GO THROUGH"....... she ran it through again and again said "IT DID NOT GO THROUGH" We were on our way to return the car to the airport as we were we paid cash...$35.00........ IT WAS INTERESTING ....... SHE ASKED US IF WE WERE "RESIDENTS OR TOURISTS" AND WE TOLD HER WE WERE TOURISTS AND ON OUR WAY HOME"......
This is the PEMEX on the CORRIDOR on the "water side of the road" just past the Mercado............. we have always stopped there in all the years we have filled up before returning our cars.

I figured it was a purchase I made at a coffee shop through their clip service. It’s a card slider that goes in a cellphone. Hopefully that helps!

Same thing I pulled up to the Pemex before returning the car rental and the guy said my his card scanner doesn’t work very well with Visa. I told him that’s all I had so I ended up paying cash. Sure enough the next day I see a charge for 999 usd from a clipmx*renta. Reported it my bank and they’re investigating. That damn Pemex is scamming people by the airport

I filled up my bike with fuel in Tulum, I paid 130 pesos on credit card, I checked my transaction online immediately after as I felt suspicious about the attendant asking questions and seemingly trying to distract me while he was processing the transaction. There was the charge for the fuel then immediately after a second transaction to clip mx vinosylicores for 496 UK pounds. I immediately went back but they totally denied the claim. I asked police to accompany me to the fuel station but again they denied all knowledge and police advised me to contact my bank which I did immediately. Is it more likely to get the transaction reversed or reimbursed (even though it's still pending) if the card was no longer in my possession after the initial transaction? I would rather avoid a long drawn out affair with the bank. I notified the bank of this miscellaneous (fraudulent) transaction immediately after it happened so less than an hour afterwards does this also ensure protection?

I was in Cabo last month June 2021, I had same issue, there was 333.76 charges on my citi card and I never purchased anything like that can you explain what are the charges?

Yellow taxi cab in Puerto Vallarta same thing. Would not take cash but when I checked my card I had rented a car for $361.83. Immediately called Chase.

Same EXACT story that Rita said above happened to me. Same exact Pemex station too! On July 23rd, we were on our way back to the airport. The attendant told me that my card didn’t work, and that I needed to pay cash. At that point, another attendant came up to me and she asked me if I was arriving, or leaving Cabo. I explained that we were going home and were on the way to the airport. She asked all of the places I’ve traveled in Mexico, and which ones I liked the best. I told her Cancún. Honestly, she couldn’t have been nicer. I paid approximately 8 dollars in cash, and we left for the airport. When I checked my bank statement, a charge for $965.09 appeared. I reported fraud to the bank, and just like Janine, my claim was denied because I never lost possession of the card. Anyway, I worked with a manager in my local branch, got the case re-opened and they've now refunded the money. If this happens to you, do not call it "fraud." This needs to be classified as a "merchant dispute" and the company will apparently treat you differently. This website helped me convince the bank that I was telling the truth! Thank you!

Just got a text message and email that my card was not present for an international transaction, made in Mexico. I have no idea how these frauds got my credit card information. I have not used it in months, and when I did it was online , and in the USA. The charge was from :

Merchant: Amazon Mx Ciudad De Mex Mex Location Mexico

I have never even been to Mexico! The card is not attached to my amazon account. It looks like someone tried to make a Mexican amazon purchase , from Mexico’s amazon site. I immediately called my credit card company and put a lock on my account and requested a new card. They told me that whoever tried to use it reversed the charge while we were on the phone. So they were saying that the “ merchant “ reversed the charge less than an hour after they made it. I have seen scams where they try to test the card out with tiny charges before hitting it with a large charge. Also, some of these thieves will keep making tiny charges hoping you don’t notice, that’s a common complaint with fraudulent Amazon charges. So beware, set up alerts on all your cards. Pay cash when you can. Put immediate lock on account when you see charges you didn’t make. Although convenient I am contemplating removing my saved credit card information on Amazon and the few other sites I have them saved. And buy a credit card blocker sleeve to keep your cards in your wallet. It prevents someone standing nearby from scanning your cards without you ever knowing. GET A JOB, SCAMMERS !!!

Reviewing my CC statements today I discovered 2 days ago while picking a guest up at SJD... I filled my van with Diesel fuel with my WF CC $115 at the nearby airport Chevron, heading north on the right side towards Santa Anita. At the same time I was charged $1612. "Clip-MX-Alimentos-Y-Bebidos-Ciudad-De-MEX* my card was never run twice and was the only time I used the card all day. Called my bank, reported Fraud, removing the charge, closed account, new card being issued. I have lived in Baja Sur since 2005 after sailing here, put my son in 7th grade in Los Barriles, graduated from H.S. in 2012. This is the 1st time I've been compromised in Mexico...

BoA declined our $1,031.12 claim as well. Yep, stopped for gas in San Jose del Cabo on our way to the airport 11/12/2022. Showed up as CLIP MX*TOURS BAJA. BoA wrote back “If you’d like copies of the documents we used to make this decision, pease call us at 1-800-472-7970.” Except no one there knows where these documents can be obtained. I’m NOT paying. I’ll explain to the credit bureaus if it goes to collections. I’m NOT paying!!! Tourism supports these people who shoot themselves in the foot!!!

2 separate credit cards were charged a total of $1000 USD for "Comida Rapido" which is fast food. I believe they are using credit card scanners to steal information, with updated technology, my opinion would be that they write new software to trick the banks into thinking you used your pin or chip. Total Scam. I reported them all as fraud and turned off all cards. There needs to be more investigation into these kinds of charges

Yes, this same thing happened to me while travelling in Baja California Sur at a Pemex station. A charge for $1395.38 showed up on my Capital One card as CLIP MX*RENTA DE AUTOS. I filed a fraud claim with Capital One and they initially denied my claim. Then I found this website, and called them up to INSIST that this is a scam and I was not going to pay for it!! After talking to three people, and looking at this website that I told them about, they agreed and removed the charge. Hopefully seeing the website will help them understand the problem and be less difficult the next time!

Update (reference my post dated 08/15/22 on this page). After two prior unsuccessful attempts to have the CLIP MX*... charge removed from my card, I grudgingly paid for the charge; HOWEVER, I had a long convo with reps from Customer Service and Fraud Investigation departments at my credit card company. They provided further explanation about Brian’s comments in his 08/12/22 post as to why this charge is not coined as fraud in credit card parlance. Fraudulent charges are by individuals who steal one’s credit card or impersonate the card owner and charge the card WHEN THE CARD IS NOT IN THE POSSESSION OF THE OWNER. They explained that once the dispute goes to the Fraud Investigation Division, that department will only process the charge as to whether it meets the card company’s definition of fraud from above. This explains the declined outcome on my first two attempts (since I was in the presence of the card when the malicious charge was made). Based on recommendations from the credit card agents, I submitted a third request in early Dec’22 to have the charge credited, but I sent it this time to Card Dispute Services instead of the Fraud unit (with excerpts from all the travelers who’d posted to this website). The current status is that the charge has been reversed and I received a letter claiming “you are not responsible for the reported fraudulent activity” [I can’t help but chuckle at their choice of words, duhhh]. I’ll be more satisfied in several weeks when it’s clear the case is really closed and the credit card company doesn’t reverse their decision again, which happened on my first two attempts.

same experience even on prepaid cards. suspicious is when the finance companies issuing these chipped cards has no idea who it is that maybe adding transaction fees from an exchange keeper and you get the noticifications but the card company cannot block the request for a transaction fee and then you'd know it's a 3rd party exchange fee when using the card. in other words, do the exchange fee authorization prior the purchase transaction on what you're buying. then you may change your mind and use a diifferent exchange keeper that isn't gouging you.

I am dealing with the same issue of a $1361.52 charge, which is the result of a visit to Pemex in Santa Rosalia, BCS. (No Pemex is safe!!!) However, the attendant panicked when he saw me returning from the restroom (my partner was in the car and used my BofA card for gas), and ultimately both charges were sent back to back on the same card. However, my fraud charge shows up as CLIP MX*RENTA DE AUTOS CIUDAD DE MEX, which makes it look like a car rental charge. Luckily I have an ACTUAL car rental charge which I am hoping will help, but BofA denied my initial claim like everyone else. Ultimately, when it is denied again, as I expect from other victims' experiences, I will reach out to Card Dispute Services instead as mentioned by another poster.

Same thing. CLIP MX*COMIDA RAPIDA. We used our card the only time at La Vista Restaurant in Cabo. They charged our card 505.34 USD. Waiter and manager ....only 2 people working and there besides us....they deny everything of course. Avoid this place. All is under investigation. We live in Cabo.

Returning rental car on Jan. 1, 2023 at Pemex station near airport in San Jose del Cabo. Paid with Citi card. Woman attendant. Friendly. I spoke Spanish with her and chatted while she filled the tank. Tipped 20 pesos. There was another man there milking around and talking with her while gas was pumping. I was charged 60 for gas AND charged separately for $1773 to “CLIP MX RESTAURANT LUX MEX MEX” with Alvaro Obrego listed as merchant.

Gasolinera Pemex

Same thing happened to me. $1,390.53 mystery charge on my card. And exact same thing. Went to Pemex by car rental area (Alamo) in Cabo. Paid for gas with by credit union card and attendant said card declined. Made no sense. Then my friends paid in pesos for gas. IT'S A TOTAL SCAM!!!! How are they getting away with this?!

I just came back from Cabo after filling at a PEMEX gas station on my way back to the airport (this gas station: They did the same trick on me: VISA card does not work. Need another card, which I gave them. The day after, there was a $1770 charge on my card. I am trying to work this out with the bank now..

Unbelievable! I just read the report on this website by multiple people that stopped at the payments gas station in Cabo San Lucas Mexico and I have suffered the exact same experience. We are on our way to the airport in a rental car and stop for gas and the attendant first ran my credit card And said that it was declined and then my friend gave him two of his credit cards that they ran and he reported to us that his machine must be broken and we paid cash. Stupid me! I even gave him a cash tip. Two hours later all three of our credit cards had charges between $966 US and $1003 US. My friend was able to get his credit card companies American Express black card and Citibank to reverse the charges I have now spent three months dealing with the outrageous inefficient obnoxious fraud and dispute department with capital one. It is like I am talking to robots.

Same story as everyone else here. On June of 2022 I did the same as everyone else. Went to Pemex on the way to the airport. It's the last and most convenient before you get to the airport main road. Big mistake when she said "Our credit card machine is not working well--what cards do you have?" I held out 2 and she said "Maybe the Capital One will work." She walked away with the credit card and we were watching her. We could see she also had her cell phone with the card. Evidently ran it for over $1K. Pump was running slow and he asked if the tank was full. Another part of the scam. I said no and he reset the pump to start new and guess what--it started running faster. My daughter was watching and knew the amount pumped the first time. At the end he tried to run the card and said it did not work. I think a broken mobile terminal that he brings to your car window. We paid cash and left feeling extremely uneasy. We paid a reasonable amount, but many are WAY overcharged at this point from what I have researched. I believe he knew we were watching and suspicious. Capital One texted about 10 minutes later to ask if I made the charge. NO--BIG NO! I arrived home to dispute charge and have been fighting Capital One every since. Today I see an invoice with a fictitious signature sent into Capital One. Unreal how slick this fraud ring is! Do not go here and tell anyone traveling in Cabo to stay away. My charge says El Rincon. In addition, I wrote a letter to Pemex Headquarters and no reply back. Other people have written also. They evidently don't care.

We are currently disputing a charge that we have reopened 3 times now with American Express with the exact same circumstances as most on this page. On July 21,2022 We checked out of our Hilton hotel at 3:07pm( time stamp from our check out receipt) to head home from our Cabo vacation. We went straight to the same Pemex gas station as Rose and others to fill up our rental car before returning it to Avis rental near the Los Cabos Airport(Avis time stamp on return receipt was 3:21pm). When we stopped at Pemex to refill our rental car we were met by an attendant and handed them our Amex as that was the only card we used the whole time unless we used cash. The attendant claimed that the card 'didn't work' so they asked for cash. We were a bit perplexed as to why it didn't work but went ahead and paid with cash as we were trying to quickly get to the airport and my husband asked for them to print out a receipt. Unfortunately that receipt is doing us no good since they used the chip of our card somehow when they 'tried our card' in their machine. When we returned home we went over all of our charges as we always do monthly and saw a charge from 'El Fresno Tours Benito Juarez' that we didn't purchase! The address if 'El Fresno Tours Benito Juarez' on our card says 'Carretera Mrida Cancun 354 Beito Juarez 77500 Mexico' for the amount of $957.22 . We have tried to call this place and have tried to find this company and they do not exist. We have since gone through our timeline and have realised that the time stamp that our card was charged (3:21pm) that they have on the bogus tour receipt was the same time we were at the Pemex gas station - note other time stamps above. Amex has been communicating digitally with them to receive the 'receipt'( top of receipt says, then an e-voucher with a signature and top of that receipt has as well. The signature is clearly not ours. We are reopening this dispute for a third time in hopes that these numerous other testimonies I have found will validate ours and to try to get them to look at our signatures they have on file that clearly do not match. Does anyone know what else we can do to get this charge off of our card? We used our Amex thinking they would protect us if anything like this were to happen:( Also someone mentioned to not say fraud when dealing with this. Can anyone explain why? Thank you.

One thing I noticed is that it is impossible to say our cards are NEVER out of our sights. I told customer services at BoA that I was not in possession of my card when it was in my room safe and I was out, when I was in the shower, when a server took it to run it (for a legitimate service). It was out of my sight LOTS of is crazy for a financial company to ask if your card was ever out of your sight! Just my opinion!!

Clip reader connected by Bluetooth to a cellphone in Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico. Legitimate charge, although charge invoice that was supposed to be sent to me by text message never received. Capital One Mastercard and obtained a 21.15 peso/dollar exchange rate, same as the international exchange rate on on the day the charge was processed.

Pemex station on Hwy 1 going up to Cabo airport. Stopped to buy gas on 12/11//2022. Total was $1274.45 (mexican pesos). I told them to charge me in pesos so my bank would do the conversion. Told card machine broken. No one spoke English and my Spanish is terrible. I did not have that much cash, so another card machine was given me and I signed it. I received no receipt, but it would have said $1274.45, because pesos in Mexico is denoted by $. Then I discover my card has been charged $1274.45 US for CLIP MX*CABO TOURS. I first thought it was an error, someone misunderstood which currency to use. B of A has declined my protests. Now, I understand I was the victim of fraud, I will again try to get BofA to refund the money and try to claw it back from the folks at the PEMEX station.

On Nov 11 2022 -my sister and Mom were headed to the airport in San Juan Del Cabo and we stopped to fill up our rental car before returning it. The male attendant filled the tank, and then said my credit card didn't work because their system was down. He was holding a hand held card machine. I then paid him cash of $60 in which he said I only gave him $40. We argued about the fact that I handed him 3 20's, and then I had no choice but to hand over another $20. When I got home a few days later I checked my credit card and there was a charge for $1028 with CLIP MX TOURS ORTEGA. I was furious! The charge was on the same day we left, and the ONLY place i used my credit card that day. I filed a charge with BofF, but they denied my claim because the card chip was scanned, so I called them and am disputing the charge again with them. I am so mad about this fraud! I referenced this website to BofA in my 2nd dispute because it is clear that same thing is happening to many others.

As posted by Rose on June 2, we were in Cabo from May 21 - May 28. On our way to the airport we stopped at the same PEMEX gas station. Our card was declined 2 times and we paid cash for our gas. On arriving home, we noticed at $1001.55 charge on our card that we did not make. A few days later, a charge on the second card was tried and declined by the CC company. My first fraud claim was declined by the CC company the first time but I have reclaimed the fraud based on the report of Rose and hopefully will get satisfaction and a refund.

There was a charge on my Southwest Credit card on September 10, 2019 in the amount of $256.83. I did not charge this to my account. I report my card to the fraud department and they are disputing this charge. Can you please tell what was purchased. You can e-mail me at

Exactly the same situation happened to me at the Pemex on the ocean side of the corridor road heading to the Los Cabos airport. They claimed thier card reader wasn’t working so I paid cash. It seemed suspicious to me at the time as I had heard stories about a Pemex station was fraud if people. I assumed it was over charging for fuel not pumped. Checked my card 1734.00 USD charged on my capital one card. CLIP MX was the charge name. Working with them now to get the charge reversed. I am so pissed as I travel in Mexico a lot and this is the first time it happened to me. Why haven’t the credit card companies shut them off!

The same thing happened to me in June of '22 and I have been fighting with Capital One ever since. They are telling me because the merchant had possession of my card I have to pay the charge. I ended up paying $60 cash for my gas at the Pemex station in Cabo after they told me that my credit card did not work. This is a terrible scam. I am so disappointed in Capital One for not standing behind a cardholder that has had an account for over 15 years. I am still in the middle of fighting this further.

Hi - We had the same issue with 3 charges totaling $4000 USD at the Panamex station in outside the airport in Cabo San Lucas in Nov 2022. The fraudulent charges were made by CLIP-MX-ALIMENTOS-Y-BE-CIUDAD-DE-MEX ... We paid in $35 USD in cash for the gas but the attendant tried to charge our card 5x ... only 3 were approved for about $1340 USD each. I fought my credit card for months, being refused multiple times. Both by the fraud and dispute departments. I finally had success in get a full refund by making a complaint to the Better Business Bureau. After arguing with many, many employees of citibank the BBB was able to help me resolve within 2 weeks. SO VERY thankful for their assistance. Posting here to help other fighting similar theft.

I returned from Cabo on March 20 (9 days ago). I was careful only to use one card while on vacation. I did not rent a car and like the rest of you, I was careful. The charges made on my card where also shown as "chip". I also believe that software is being used to trick the issuing companies into thinking the card was present. For all I know, this had nothing to do with Cabo, it could have been someone at LAX. My charges, 2 of them, each for $488.54 were to CLIP MX*NOVEDADES LORE. I'm glad I put it in led me to this group. Also, my card is Bank of America (Alaska Airlines card) and I had no problem. If anyone does, go to the credit card page and find the fraud protection information. I'm not talking about those of you who are or have battled this, but folks dealing with this now. This would be a good "expose" for a podcast!!

We just returned 3-1-2023 from our annual trip to Cabo. In checking my Pen Fed credit card charges on line when we returned I noticed an unusual $1417.62 USD charge to my card for 3/1/23. It was listed as CLIP MX SPA. I keep all my receipts and there was no receipt for this amount. The only time I used the card that day was to check out of the hotel and when I attempted to get gas in our rental car on the way to the airport. Since it was a large amount and was for nothing my wife or I purchased, I disputed the transaction with Pen Fed Credit Union. They immediately cancelled my card since I reported the transaction as fraudulent, and they issued me a new card number. Today 3/13/23, I received word from Pen Fed Credit Union that my claim of a disputed/fraudulent transaction was rejected. They say that I had to have been present since the chip on the card was used. However, I knew I had not made such a transaction. That is when I remembered trying to use my Pen Fed CC to pay for the gas at the Palmira Gas. The female station attendant ran my Pen Fed card twice, telling me each time the transaction failed. She then asked for a different card and ran it on a different card reader and the transaction went through. Viola... the gas was paid for and I didn't give it a second thought. At least not until now! In reviewing this web site, I see that a number of people have been similarly scammed. This Palmira Gas Station is on Hwy 1 just north of the hotel district in Cabo. I am convinced that they do this to a number of tourists at various gas stations on the way to the airport. When out of towner's stop to fill up rental cars, they get the credit card, run it through a chip reader (fraudulently charging the card for a large amount then saying the card did not work) then they get cash or a different card that is then run through a different card reader for the amount of the gas charge. They do this while knowing full well the customer will be hundreds if not thousands of miles away when the charge is discovered. Some CABO tourists may be so well off financially that they don't even review the charge card statement and just pay the bill letting these scammers get away Scott free. Pen Fed is still refusing to reverse the charge, but in reading other posts, I intend to pursue this fraudulent charge all the way to the top. IT'S JUST NOT RIGHT TO LET THESE ILLEGAL CHARGES CONTINUE TO OCCUR!!!

Just got back from Cabo and have the EXACT same story as Rose, Craig, most of you... Charged for $1003 on my credit card which I'd only used at a gas station to fill a rental car on that day. "Card declined" ended up paying cash, and now have this charge. Hopefully Wells Fargo isn't hard to deal with about this.

On our return to the airport (6/25/2022)we stopped to fill up rental car. Same as previous story. We’re told twice that card was denied so we spent the last amount of cash we had to pay for the gas. I don’t remember the amount but it wasn’t much. After getting to the U.S. checked cc balance and had a charge for $1001.19. Initial claim has been denied because I never lost possession of card but know these fk”:!rs swiped and added charges. Have called back and reopened case. It’s with Citibank if that matters.

Similar fraudulent charge as above. Stopped by the Pemex gas station outside of the Cabo Airport, provided my card for a ~$40 USD transaction and they charged ~$970 to it, then told me the signal didn't work and I needed to pay in cash. Avoid this gas station and always a good reminder to use cash if concerned!

Similar to the stories above, I was just north of Playa del Carmen and stopped for gas on the way to the airport to drop off a rental car. The attendant took my card and came back telling me it wouldn't go through. He gave me a receipt that said there was insufficient funds. I used another card and it went thru. The fraud charge to Payclip was $792 and I am still fighting with Capitol One over this. There reasoning for not agreeing this was fraud is because the chip was scanned which means someone had the physical card and I must have received something for this. What a SCAM!

BoA declined our $1,031.12 claim as well. Yep, stopped for gas in San Jose del Cabo on our way to the airport 11/12/2022. Showed up as CLIP MX*TOURS BAJA. BoA wrote back “If you’d like copies of the documents we used to make this decision, pease call us at 1-800-472-7970.” Except no one there knows where these documents can be obtained. I’m NOT paying. I’ll explain to the credit bureaus if it goes to collections. I’m NOT paying!!! Tourism supports these people who shoot themselves in the foot!!!

Same thing just happened at the same Pemex gas station on way to airport in Cabo. About 5 attendants working the pumps, girl runs card off handheld devise says it didn't go through, so paid in cash. Next day I see at $1,001.50 charge on my Pay Pal debit card. Had no idea what that charge was until I came across this website based on search of description CLIP MX*EL JORONGO. I am hopeful now that it has been confirmed by so many to be a scam that I will get refunded.

Lesson, when in Mexico unless it's a known reputable establishment pay all bills in cash.

We were defrauded of $1479US at a PEMEX station on Hwy 1 near Cabo San Lucas by some "vendor" called CLIP MX* CABO TOURS. December, 2022. We bought 1279 pesos of gasoline but were charged $1279US. While the charge was still "pending" I called Bank of America (it issued my Mastercard) and directed that the charge NOT not be paid. B of A refused. When I came home, I disputed the charge, thinking it was a simple error. BofA refused to help. I found this site on the web and realized I had been defrauded and demanded BofA eliminate the charge. It refused. I then filed a complaint with the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. BofA still refused to act. I then emailed my demand and documentation to BofA's Chief Financial Officer and the President of BofA "retail banking." (You can find their names on the web and find the typical email address format on their PR website.) BofA has finally given me back all but $65US. That is the US equivalent of 1279 Mex pesos. Thanks to all that posted here, which enabled me to identify fraud when I thought there was a mere transcription error. Don't give up. Fight your banks. I have had a the same cc for over 25 years and never defaulted. And they just refused to help for 3 months. I do not know for sure why they relented, but they did so only after I went directly to their executives.

Same for me. Gas up a rental car on the way to cabo airport. Card does not work, so I pay in cash. Charged $1,325 for gas. Barclays does not want to do anything about the charge for they say IT IS NOT FRAUD.

I have the same thing on my credit card for December 2019 of 1080 pesos. Bank says the transaction was made using my credit card Pin but I never used my card while in Mexico. Can anyone explain who this company is?

My charge is a purchase for souvenirs I made on 5th Avenue, Playa Del Carmen, Mexico ( not food nor beverages). I looked at the other purchases I made around that date and that's how I figured it out.

same experience even on prepaid cards. suspicious is when the finance companies issuing these chipped cards has no idea who it is that maybe adding transaction fees from an exchange keeper and you get the noticifications but the card company cannot block the request for a transaction fee and then you'd know it's a 3rd party exchange fee when using the card. in other words, do the exchange fee authorization prior the purchase transaction on what you're buying. then you may change your mind and use a diifferent exchange keeper that isn't gouging you.

My story is just like everyone else’s I was returning to the airport with my rental car and when I stopped to get gas at that same gas station premed that attendant asked me if I was on my way to the airport . He ran my Visa card said it did not work and then I used my ATM card to pay for the fuel when I got to the airport my wife called me and said there was a weird charge I called the bank immediately and I’m still disputing the $988.00 for a Cabo Excursion

Charge made probably in either the queretero or Mexico City airport. I did not buy anything other than some inexpensive things to eat and drink at either airport. I called my cc company and they say that my card was used? I did not use it? How can this be? I'd love some answers.

Jut returned from Cabo and have this charge for 1009.07 on my card.

Can you help? What is this charge?

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Also Appears on Statements As