Learn about the "1 Infinite Loop Ca" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on April 11, 2016, Last updated on June 26, 2024

What is it?

This is a charge from Apple, the world's largest technology company by revenue. Apple specializes in consumer electronics, software and online services. It is headquartered at 1 Infinite Loop in Cupertino, California, which is likely why you see "1 INFINITE LOOP CA" on your charge. Apple's revenue totaled $365.8 billion in 2021, and the company is one of the Top 5 American information technology companies, along with Alphabet, Amazon, Meta, and Microsoft.

Some of Apple's well-known products include:

  • MacBook Air
  • MacBook Pro
  • Mac Studio
  • iPhones
  • iPads
  • AirPods
  • Watches
  • Apple TV 4K
  • Apple TV+
  • HomePod mini
  • Apple pencil
  • AirTags
  • Apple Fitness+
  • Apple News+
  • iCloud

Why this charge may appear on your card

You're likely seeing this charge because you made a purchase at Apple. If you didn't make this purchase, it's possible someone else did, which may be an early indication of fraud. If you believe you're the victim of a scam involving Apple Gift Cards, App Store and iTunes Gift Cards, or Apple Store Gift Cards, you can call Apple at 800-275-2273 and say "gift cards" when prompted.

What else can you do?

If you don’t recognize the charge, you can review your Apple purchase history online. If you believe that your Apple account (Apple ID) has been compromised, change your password immediately. You can also contact your bank or credit card company and dispute the charges and try to recover the money.

How to Contact Apple

You can contact Apple support online.

Community Feedback

I saw this on my bank statement, thought it was some fraud. After a little more investigation I found it to be legitimate (at least in MY case). I frequently use ApplePay from my iPhone to send money to another person, just never noticed the Company it was going through. It's listed as "APPLE CASH 1INFINITELOOPCA". Hope this helps someone out there wondering WTH this charge is. :)

I dont have a apple account or device and this has charged my card 1800.

I am another person who was a little confused about a bank charge stating " APPLE CASH 1INFINITELOOPCA". Called up the awesome folks at Apple and was able to verify that it was a legit charge that I made on the charge. What threw me off is that the amount was the difference between the amount I intended to send (Apple Cash) and what I already had in my Apple Cash (Card) amount. Hope this help!

I too believe I am having issues. They claimed they were computer security and I’ve used them for 2 years now with no problems. Now I’m out 2000$ and that is a lot for some living on social security. I don’t know where to go actually. Any ideas besides police?

Holy crap I totally just saw these on my account and wondered what the hell they were! Thanks!

After digging, determined this was a legitimate Apple Cash payment I sent. Verify legitimacy by going into your Apple Cash “payment card” in your iPhone Wallet, then change the grey tab at the top from “Info” to “Transactions”. You should see all recent Apple Cash transactions there, including the one(s) in question, dated 2-3 days prior to the correlating debit transaction posted in your bank account ledger.

I just noticed them my account also, they were made from Apple Cash one on November 2, 2020 for $20.00 and one on November 4,2020 for 40.00. I have just disputed it with the bank

I had purchased some vegetable seeds for my garden, we were going to do for the first time this year my daughter found how to grow mushrooms. She had ordered mushrooms and I didn’t realize they are so much work, she didn’t notice that what she had tried to purchase was ‘magic Mushrooms’ I recognized it right away and tried to stop the transaction. They then called and said they needed another 240+ dollars to deliver so they didn’t go through the USPS!!!! That’s when I KNEW something was fishy! They took my 100.00 but wouldn’t refund which their website said 100% money back garuntee and the 240.00’was refundable upon delivery. I told them they weren’t getting another red cent out of me and I tried to contact my bank. This place had the audacity to show where my daughter had purchased them not knowing exactly what they were! And that they are illegal!!! I believe if I had given them the 240.00 for delivery I would have lost that money too. I think they are running a scam. So I would love if Apple could refund my money, if not I don’t believe I’ll be using Apple Pay again. Not that your service isn’t handy. It’s just something that most scammers are asking for now. So its getting to where your kinda red flagged when you see only APPLE pay is used.. I wanted you to know about this place and what they are doing. I would be more than happy to answer any further questions you have reguarding this matter. Thank you Penny Hinds hinds_penny@icloud.com

Intirloop took $630 out of my account

So in my case it was not legitimate. If I was anyone asking this question and you did not authorize it I would definitely recommend calling your bank.

Bestchain University World Market Oakland

Okay so I had this pop up on my statement as well and went right to investigation and calling the bank…long story short, I realized that it was money that was sent to me through Apple Cash and I transferred it from Apple cash into my bank account. That is what the transaction was on my statement. I hope this helps someone. I had to figure this out on my own but glad that I did, I almost went through a dispute and fraud claim and new bank card, ugh! But maybe they should change the name that appears on the statements so people recognize it better than “infiniteloop” or whatever

I had purchased some vegetable seeds for my garden, we were going to do for the first time this year my daughter found how to grow mushrooms. She had ordered mushrooms and I didn’t realize they are so much work, she didn’t notice that what she had tried to purchase was ‘magic Mushrooms’ I recognized it right away and tried to stop the transaction. They then called and said they needed another 240+ dollars to deliver so they didn’t go through the USPS!!!! That’s when I KNEW something was fishy! They took my 100.00 but wouldn’t refund which their website said 100% money back garuntee and the 240.00’was refundable upon delivery. I told them they weren’t getting another red cent out of me and I tried to contact my bank. This place had the audacity to show where my daughter had purchased them not knowing exactly what they were! And that they are illegal!!! I believe if I had given them the 240.00 for delivery I would have lost that money too. I think they are running a scam. So I would love if Apple could refund my money, if not I don’t believe I’ll be using Apple Pay again. Not that your service isn’t handy. It’s just something that most scammers are asking for now. So its getting to where your kinda red flagged when you see only APPLE pay is used.. I wanted you to know about this place and what they are doing. I would be more than happy to answer any further questions you have reguarding this matter. Thank you Penny Hinds hinds_penny@icloud.com

556 dollar rip off.....police rpt filed; waiting 4 resolution...more than likely very expensive self-inflicted on APPLE PHONE.....think about that before one goes out appling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is no way I fished out $1,300 for apple pay products. My device has been compromised. The charges don't even show up in my applecash or applepay section. Someone has been living off my account.

This is Apple's system. InfiniteLoop is referencing their Cupertino, CA location. This is referencing a charge through Apple/Apple Cash, etc. which you either authorized recently or had authorized for reoccurring charges, potentially without realizing it, as that seems fairly common.

Can you help? What is this charge?

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  • Phone Number

    1(800) 275-2273

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Also Appears on Statements As

  • Visa Check Card 1 INFINITE LOOP CA MC
  • Misc. Debit 1 INFINITE LOOP CA